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Dudley Adds Sports Information Director Title

Nolan Catholic

Fort Worth, TX - Head boys basketball coach Dylan Dudley has joined the athletic administration staff in a full-time role as new sports information director. Dudley will be responsible for producing media content for the NCHS athletic website, media guide development for all three athletic seasons as well as fundraising for the entire athletic department.

Dudley, who has been the head boys basketball coach for the previous two seasons, will also continue his role leading the boys basketball program. He looks forward to his expanding role within the athletic department as well as serving the needs of Nolan Catholic High School.

“There is something special about Nolan Catholic and the upward trajectory we are on as a school and athletic department,” Dudley mentioned. “I am beyond appreciative of Jordan Hampton, Kevin Arduino, and our diocese administration for creating this position. Jordan and I have had ongoing conversations about a full time position for the past two years and I am glad it has come to fruition. I look forward to all of us working together to take Nolan Catholic athletics to the next level as well as continuing to coach a group of young men who have forever changed my life and mission!”

Dudley, who has eighteen years of experience at both the high school and university levels, graduated from Illinois College in Jacksonville, Illinois with a bachelor's degree in sports management and completed his master’s degree in athletic administration from Henderson St. University in Arkadelphia, Arkansas.

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